Ground Round Beef High in Potassium

  • Potassium is a mineral present in food that is essential to human health. As an electrolyte, potassium plays a role in musculus wrinkle, heart function, and nerve conduction. Likewise much potassium, though, can be harmful, specially for people who have pre-existing kidney affliction or heart failure.

    Healthcare providers can measure the amount of potassium in your body via a simple blood exam. Ideally, your potassium level should be between to v.2 millimoles per liter (mmol/L). If your potassium level is over 5.2 mmol/L, your doctor will probably advise you to avert high-potassium foods for a while.

    Do y'all know which foods are high in potassium?

  • Potatoes

    Baked potatoes in a pan with rosemary

    A simple baked potato contains 925 mg of potassium. (For reference, anything over 300 mg per serving is considered a very high-potassium food.) The potassium is present even when the potato is in another form. French fries incorporate 470 mg of potassium per 3 oz. serving, and just one ounce of potato chips contains 465 mg of potassium.

    Sweet potatoes are high in potassium too. There are 450 mg of potassium in a broiled sweet potato.

    Better starch choices to limit potassium include white bread and white rice, which both contain less than 100 mg of potassium per serving.

  • Bananas


    Most people know that bananas are a potassium-rich food. In fact, that's ane reason why many athletes like to eat bananas. This popular fruit helps replenish the potassium the body loses during intense exertion.

    If your potassium level is high, though, you'll need to steer articulate of bananas (and banana staff of life) until your level comes downward. Low-potassium fruits you lot can enjoy in the meantime include apples, blueberries, raspberries, grapes, lemons and limes.

  • Milk

    Cropped image of man's hands pouring milk into clear glass

    Potassium is found in fatty-free, low-fat, and whole milk. It'due south in chocolate milk too. (In fact, chocolate milk contains more potassium than white milk.) Your best beverage option to avert potassium is h2o. Java and tea are classified as low-potassium foods, only exist careful how much yous drink. I cup of black coffee contains 116 mg of potassium, so information technology's best not to beverage more than than two cups per 24-hour interval.

    Milk-based products such as yogurt, foam cheese, and ice cream are likewise loftier in potassium. Low-potassium dessert choices include affections food or yellow cake.

  • Oranges

    Fresh orange juice

    One orangish contains 240 mg of potassium. Orange juice is high in potassium too. A half cup of OJ contains most as much potassium as a whole orange—and about people don't stop at a half cup. If you need to satisfy a fruit juice craving, endeavour apple tree juice instead. A half loving cup of apple juice has just 150 mg of potassium. Cranberry juice and cranberry juice cocktail contain a miniscule amount of potassium, so experience free to indulge.

  • Dried Beans and Peas

    White kidney beans in a brown pot macro and bread

    Many vegans and vegetarians rely on dried beans and peas (including lentils, lima, navy and kidney beans) to satisfy their bodies' need for protein. However, these high-protein foods are also loftier in potassium. In fact, beans and peas contain more than potassium per serving, on average, than beefiness, chicken or fish. A half cup of lentils, for case, contains 365 mg of potassium, while 3 oz. of fish has approximately 300 mg of potassium. A 3 oz. serving of footing beefiness contains 270 mg of potassium.

  • Winter Squash

    Acorn squash

    The dark orange flesh of winter squashes—including acorn and Hubbard squash—contains a lot of potassium. Yous'll go 250 mg of potassium in a half cup serving.

    Pumpkin is high in potassium too. If your potassium is high, you'll need to pass on the pumpkin pie and pumpkin bread.

    Summer squashes, including yellowish squash and zucchini, are OK to eat, as long as you restrict your intake to less than i cup.

  • Sports Drinks

    Young Girl Chooses Sports Drink

    Avoid electrolyte-containing sports drinks. Potassium is ane of the major electrolytes added to these drinks, and your trunk doesn't need any extra potassium right at present. Besides, sports drinks typically incorporate a lot of unnecessary saccharide every bit well.

    Want to rehydrate afterward a workout? Opt for water. Other options include apple or cranberry juice. A few grapes or a cup of watermelon might be refreshing as well. Pear nectar is as well low in potassium.

  • Spinach


    Yes, leafy greens are good for you, merely while your potassium is high, skip the spinach. A half loving cup of Popeye's favorite vegetable contains 420 mg of potassium. Beet greens and bok choy are also high in potassium.

    Lettuce is OK, though, as long equally you watch portion size. One cup of lettuce contains about 100 mg of potassium, so stick to smaller side salads rather than huge dinner salads. You can top your salad with alfalfa sprouts, cucumbers, broccoli and celery—all are depression-potassium foods.

  • Salt Substitutes

    mound of sea salt on table with wooden spoon

    Many people with kidney or centre disease utilize common salt substitutes to cutting down on the amount of sodium in their diets. If you lot have loftier potassium, though, you shouldn't use most commercially available common salt substitutes. Many of the most popular versions on the marketplace use potassium chloride to mimic the taste of sodium chloride (table table salt). Check labels: if the discussion "potassium" is on the label, put it back.

    Instead, attain for spices and spice blends to add flavor to food.


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