Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species of a Nine-banded Armadillo

Scientific names

Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms. The organization currently used by taxonomists is called the Linnaean taxonomic system, in honor of Swedish biologist Carolus Linnaeus (1707 — 1778). The Linnaean system breaks down organisms into seven major divisions, chosen taxa (singular: taxon). The divisions are equally follows:

Major Taxonomic Levels
  • Kingdom
    • Phylum
      • Course
        • Club
          • Family unit
            • Genus
              • Species

Note: There are many subdivisions of the seven master taxonomic levels, such as Subphylum, Subclass, Infraclass, and so on. You may see many of these other sublevel taxa listed in the taxonomic tree of an organism.

The classification levels become more specific towards the bottom. Many organisms belong to the same kingdom, fewer belong to the aforementioned phylum, and and then on, with species being the nigh specific classification. A species is one group of genetically singled-out, interbreeding organisms. The average genetic differences inside a species are less than the average differences between that species and a closely related group of organisms.

The classifications as well tell something about the degree of relation between different organisms. For example, two animals that vest to the same family and genus are more closely related than two animals that simply belong to the same family.

Here are two examples of the Linnaean taxonomic system of classification, for humans and armadillos:

Mutual Proper name: Man Nine-Banded Armadillo
Kingdom: Animalia Animalia
Phylum: Chordata Chordata
Class: Mammalia Mammalia
Gild: Primata Cingulata
Family unit: Hominidae Dasypodidae
Genus: Homo Dasypus
Species: Homo sapiens Dasypus novemcinctus

Note: Cingulata used to be chosen Xenarthra, named for a modest bony crash-land found on the vertebrae of some members of this lodge. Before that, Cingulata was known as Edentata, meaning "without teeth". Both of these earlier names have fallen out of favor: Xenarthra is at present elevated to the level of a superorder, while Edentata is not authentic, equally most cingulates do in fact bear teeth. Many sources will still incorrectly listing Xenarthra or Edentata as the order.

The taxonomic tree above tells us that humans and armadillos are related, but not closely. We share the same class, merely vest to different orders.

Most of the information at the higher levels is not included in the standard description of an organism. For most plants and animals, just listing the family, genus or species is enough to let biologists know what the other levels should exist. The most common fashion to listing the taxonomic name of an organism is to list the genus and species; this is known as binomial nomenclature, meaning a two-proper name system. When using this listing, the genus should always be italicized and capitalized, while the species is not capitalized. You may have noticed that in the case above I included the genus name in with the species. This is the preferred manner of listing species, to avoid confusion. There could possibly be another organism with the species proper name sapiens, for example, but there is only one Human sapiens.

The taxonomic names are usually in Latin, although species are oftentimes named subsequently the person who commencement described them. Using Latin helps to requite a full general description of the organism through its taxonomic classification. For example (using the ix-banded armadillo again):

Common Name: 9-Banded Armadillo Translation:
Kingdom: Animalia Animals: Multicellular, heterotrophic, eukaryotic organisms.
Phylum: Chordata Chordates: animals with a notochord.
Subphylum: Vertebrata Vertebrates: Animals with bony spines.
Class: Mammalia Mammals: animals that have hair and requite milk to their young.
Subclass: Eutheria Placentals: Mammals in which the young develop in a placenta inside the uterus.
Superorder: Xenarthra Xenarthrans: Anteaters, armadillos, and sloths. Named for their xenarthrous processes, a small bony bump on the vertebrae that is unique to this group.
Order: Cingulata Cingulata: Pampatheres (extinct), glyptodonts (extinct) and armadillos.
Family unit: Dasypodidae From Dasypodis, Greek for "turtle-rabbit"; Linnaeus did non like the Aztec name, Azotochtli, and so used a Greek equivalent to proper noun the family.
Genus: Dasypus Dasypus is derived from the aforementioned Greek root equally the family proper noun.
Species: Dasypus novemcinctus Novem: ix; -cinctus: band. Nine-banded.

The descriptive names work for other species too. So long every bit you lot sympathise some Latin, y'all can learn a lot about an organism from its scientific proper name. For example, look at our own species proper noun: Homo sapiens. Homo means "self" or "same", pregnant "the same as me" — which, for y'all, means "human being". Sapiens means "wise". Therefore, Homo sapiens means "Wise human".

Now that you lot know a little more well-nigh the taxonomic organisation, y'all can print your friends! When they say, "Hey, look at that critter! What is it?" you tin can reply, in a calm and official-sounding voice, "That's a D. novemcinctus, no doubt about it."

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